Online Courses, Handbook, SA needle

Online Courses


Neuro-Acupuncture Series Course (Online)

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Product Details

Six Sessions X 3 Hours Each


The course helped participants deeply understand on commonly seen neurological disorders, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia, Brain injuries, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, headache, etc. It combined scalp acupuncture with general and electric acupuncture, etc.

There are six sessions in total, 3 hours each session.
S1 General introduction of neurological diseases from TCM and Western medicine, commonly used assessments, and review of scalp acupuncture.
S2 Stroke and Brain injury, symptom of disturbed balance
S3 Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; symptoms of dystonia/tremor
S4 Multiple Sclerosis (MS), symptom of bladder irritability with frequency,
urgency, nocturne
S5 Autism and Cerebral palsy.
S6 Epilepsy and Headache.

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Please Note: Above recorded courses can be watched at any time in one month. After payment is received the links will be sent to you, and onl y for yourself to watch.

Payment detail:

Account Name: Mr T Wang |   Bank: HSBC |  Sort code: 40-06-30 | Bank account: 42106914

Payment Reference: Your name + course name

The online links will be sent to you after payment is received.
If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Wang on:
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