Acupuncture Brain

Acupuncture & The Brain

Research Into Practice
Prof. Dr. Wang Authored Book: Acupuncture for Brain: Treatment for Neurological and Psychologic Disorders. Published by Springer in Dec 2020. To view and order the book please click the link: 

Acupuncture Works by ‘Re-Wiring’ the Brain, Evidence Suggests 

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This new research clearly demonstrates that bodily response is not the only means by which acupuncture works; response within the brain might be the most critical part. Once we better understand how acupuncture works to relieve pain, we can optimise this therapy to provide effective, non-pharmacological care for many more chronic-pain patients.

Acupuncture For Alzheimer’s Memory and Brain Function

Acupuncture benefits memory, learning, and the brain in an Alzheimer’s disease study. In a controlled experiment, researchers discovered two important clinical benefits provided by stimulation of scalp acupuncture points; acupuncture improves spatial learning and memory. Additionally, the researchers discovered that acupuncture improves brain glucose metabolism. Let’s take a look at the results. 

The Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation for Brain Activation and Alcohol Abstinence Self-Efficacy: Functional MRI Study

The research supports that acupuncture point Shenmen HT7 stimulation has a positive therapeutic effect on alcohol-related diseases.
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 Study maps effects of acupuncture on the brain 

New research about the effects of acupuncture on the brain may provide an understanding of the complex mechanisms of acupuncture and could lead to a wider acceptability of the treatment.
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Acupuncture works by deactivating the area of the brain governing pain, a TV show will claim.

Acupuncture activates the brain, Medicinal use of needles does more than placebos. 

Scalp Acupuncture Treatment for Children with Autism and ADHD 

Autism and ADHD are related to brain abnormality. Many studies show that scalp acupuncture is effective in treating neurological problems related to autism and ADHD. A new study has found impairments in white matter in the main neural pathway connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain in children with both autism and ADHD. The more we learn and know about brain functions, the more we can incorporate this knowledge into our clinical practice of scalp acupuncture. Needling scalp acupuncture on children with autistic and ADHD patients is very different from doing it with adult patients. This paper shares our clinical experiences and techniques on how to practice scalp acupuncture using various scalp acupuncture systems and the Neoh Scalp acupuncture system on autistic and ADHD patients. International Journal of Child Development and Mental HealthVol. 5 No. 2 February – July 2017 (45-57)

The 9000 Needles

This video was very inspiring. It introduced the story of a stroke patient that was successfully improved by Chinese acupuncture.

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